Sunday, December 29, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Friday, December 13, 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Funeral Services for Annie Wilcox Madsen ~ December 3, 1965 - Mt. Pleasant

You may wonder how the entire funeral was recorded. Annie's daughter Alice Panier was a court reporter and took the entire funeral down in shorthand.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Behind Time by Neil Madsen
Time is one of the most important things. It is with time that man does his work. If we begin to think that we haven't time to do a certain thing and put it off til another time, then it brings us to neglect till we haven't time to do anything. But if we take time and do it quick as possible then we begin to always have time for our work (and) are always up to time at our the appointed hour.
One of the most important lessons to be learned in life is the art of economizing time. There is an instinct that tells us that the man who does much is most likely to do more, and to do i in the best manner. It is much easier for one who is always exerting himself to exert himself a little more than for him who does nothing to raise himself to action. Give a busy man ten minutes to write a letter andhe will dash it off at once. Give an idle man a day, and he will postpone it til tomorrow or next week.
A little done this hour and a little done the next hour, day by day and year by year brings much to pass.
Even the largest houses are built by laying one stone upon another It is said that the mine sweepings of the floor of the gold workroom are melted and coined. Learn from this the nobler economy of time; glean up its golden dust; economize with the utmost car those days and bits of hours.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Demorest Memorial Prohibition Prize
In the late 1880s, William Jennings Demorest often awarded these silver medals to schoolchildren for producing essays about Prohibition. After achieving financial success in New York through publishing and the textile industry, Demorest attempted to launch a political career grounded on the principles of Prohibition. In 1888 Demorest was nominated as the Prohibition Party candidate for lieutenant governor of New York.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Friday, October 4, 2013
Pioneer Memories As Related by C. W. Anderson

C.W. Anderson wrote this as second person version. The red marks made on the original manuscript changes it to "first person".
In the year 1854 a company of people set sail from Scandinavia. It took them nine days to cross the North Sea, with their sailing vessel. This same distance with distance now with steamers can be traveled in less than three days. On their way to Liverpool they were nearly ship wrecked. They left Liverpool on Christmas Eve. That same night they were driven on dry land on the other side of the English Channel (France). Here they had to wait til the tide came in to carry them off the land. They found their ship was damaged and had to go back to Liverpool for repairs. On the way back, when in the middle of the channel, they collided with another ship and almost went down. After arriving at Liverpool, they had to stay at a boarding place for six weeks, waiting for another ship. It took them nine weeks to go from Liverpool to New Orleans.
They were then driven by the tide as far south as the Isthmus of Panama.
On their trip they buried fourteen people in the ocean. They were followed three days by pirates, who were at times so close that their faces could be seen.
The people on board got their guns, knives and four cannons on board ready for use, if needed, should an attack be made. For some reason the pirates changed their minds.
In crossing the Gulf of Mexico there was a man who fell overboard. When they arrived in New Orleans, the people were having a sale or trade on negroes. In going up the Mississippi River in a steamer to St. Louis there were five people who fell overboard, but no attention was paid to them. It took two weeks to make the trip up the river.
At St Louis the cholera broke out among them, and during the two weeks while the went by boat from St. Louis to Fort Leavenworth there were a great many that died.
While crossing the plains they saw buffaloes by the thousands. The pioneers had to corral their cattle at night. This was done by driving their wagons in a circle with the cattle inside the circle. Sometimes in the day the buffalo were so thick that they would stampede their teams. But they were not allowed to shoot them for fear they would fight.
The party reached Salt Lake on the 27th of September 1855. During the winter of 1855-1856 it was very severe. The snow was three feet deep in Brigham City. Many of the cattle starved to death, and their meat was all the people had to eat because the grasshoppers had taken their crop. Therefore, when ever an animal died their meat was eagerly taken. In the spring and summer about all there was to subsist on was sego roots and thistle stalks. One day mother, by mistake ate a poisonous sego, and results was convulsions and almost death. They had no bread whatever from Christmas until the 24th of July. The second year after arriving in Utah, however, was a better one, and they thought the crop was a good one. It is strange to remember that they had been almost three years before a pig was seen.
One morning, during the first year, the mother and son of this family went out into the fields to look at their wheat and found it frozen. They had started for home in dismay. They became very hungry having not had anything to eat all day, and very little for previous days. They came to a small spring of cold water, but before drinking, they blessed the water, and when they drank it, it satisfied their hunger, so that they were not hungry the rest of the day.
In the early spring of 1859,or March 20th, 1859, this family were among the original pioneers to Mt. Pleasant. And since that time have always had plenty and been happy and content. Up to this time the men were mostly dressed in buckskin, both shirt and pants, and in many instances mostly bare footed.
The first construction in Mt. Pleasant was the fort which was built of rocks located on the block where the old Union Store and Opera House now stands (Madsen's Store) (2013 Recreation Center). The first adobe house was built first house south of where the Armory Hall now stands (Wheeler's Drive In 2013). The second house was where Mrs. Wise now lives (?), and the third by Nils Widergreen, on the block now owned by Wasatch Academy. The adobies were made by John Waldermar.
Sometimes when people didn't have access to a cradle, they pulled the wheat up by the roots with their bare hands, and when this was done, the stacks would be as black as the ground. The women and the girls always helped in the fields. The Indians often caused a great deal of trouble to the pioneers.
Plowing was done with ox teams, sowing by hand, reaping with a cradle, binding of bundles by hand, threshing was done by oxen stepping on the grain, and cleaning was done by the wind.
One particular plow, and that was a good one, was made entirely by wood, with the exception of about 5 percent iron. Iron was very scarce..
At the first celebration in Mt. Pleasant 1860, an oxen was killed and a public dinner was given in the bowery, built just east of the now social hall. A pitch pine arch in each corner of the bowery furnished light for evening, many dancing barefoot on the dirt floor. Music was furnished by John Waldemar and James Hansen. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
(The family referred to was the Niels Widergreen Anderson Family)
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Friday, September 6, 2013
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Hilda and Friends
Hilda Madsen Longsdorf is the author of "Mount Pleasant History". She served as the Secretary of the Mount Pleasant Historical Association for over 40 years. She had many friends and loved to entertain. These photos come from her own photograph album which was passed down to Johannah Madsen Hafen then to JoAnn Hafen Granger, who has donated them to the Mt. Pleasant Historical Association. If you recognize anyone within and would like a larger copy, please let us know, and we will be happy to recopy them in a greater resolution for you.
Hilda and Friends and Parrot
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